Our Mines

Karebe Gold Mine
Karebe gold mine was re-started in 2009 and consists of three separate-access underground points in Western Kenya: Equatorial, Rock Corry and Boma all situated in close proximity on a single 1.5km strike. Currently Karebe mines to a depth of 180m and operates two surface shafts.
Processing Plant
Gold produced at Karebe comes from ores that can be considered free milling. The processing plant was relocated to its current site in early 2022 and consists of a crushing, milling, gravity gold and CIL circuit. A significant portion of the gold is recovered by the gravity gold circuit. Tailings are low in gold and as a result of this - and the high feed grade - a recovery of >98% has been maintained for several years.
Site Infrastructure
Karebe mine has all the infrastructure in place to support the operations. Electricity, water, housing, stores, workshops, offices, change house, mess and medical facilities are all operational and ensure the mine produces to plan.
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Venice Mine Complex
2015, we acquired the dormant Venice Mine Complex (VMC), which holds 106 mining blocks over 2,664 hectares. There are several separate strikes, all related in a regional structural setting. Historically, the old workings were relatively shallow, with the majority mined to a depth of ~200m and nothing mined deeper than 350m. Other mines in the area (e.g. Dalny and Cam and Motor) were mined much more profoundly, so Venice has significant potential should extensions at depth be confirmed
Since the acquisition, we have embarked on a three-phase expansion plan: constructing a Carbon in Leach (CIL) tailings retreatment operation to reprocess the 2.1 million tons of historic tailings on site and fund re-entry underground (phase 2). Phase 3 is to ramp up underground ore production to a consistent 15,000 tons per month from the five operational underground shafts re-commissioned. As of early 2024, the tailings have nearly been depleted, so we are entering Phase 3. // The conceptual mine plan has defined an attractive and profitable life of more than 20 years to the shallow historic mining levels. Work to optimise this life of mine and the resource and reserve definition of the asset in the shallower and deeper zones will continue through 2024 and 2025 while underground tonnage is ramped up.
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High-confidence 3D modeling of the Venice reefs and their structural controls shows the considerable potential for new development.

Commoner Mine
The claims that make up Commoner Mine have several known gold occurrences and a long production history stretching back to the late 1800s. The mine has produced more than 4 tonnes of gold, and in 1984, production reached 4 105 kg from Commoner and nearby Welcome Back claims, at an average recovery of 8.2 g/t. Maris invested in the mine in 2013 and has since developed a carbon in leach (CIL) operation to re-treat old mine tailings, acquired the surrounding mining claims, and commenced an open pit mining operation. Mopani is currently reopening underground mine workings on the claims.